Forums - SSF2T - M. Bison (Vega) help needed. Show all 10 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- SSF2T - M. Bison (Vega) help needed. ( Posted by SilverGear on 01:01:2002 07:38 PM: SSF2T - M. Bison (Vega) help needed. Hey guys. It's been a long time since I've played ST and my memory has become a bit rusty. So I was hoping you might be able to help re-familiarize me with what used to be my most solid character back in the day. M. Bison (Vega in Japan) I know he has a solid (or sick) throw game. But I honestly can't remember what else was so good about him. Any help would be appreciated (Like strats, pokes, if O. Bison is better then New Bison, etc.). Thanks in advance. Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 01:01:2002 10:10 PM: I just remember a little - His best pokes are standing forward and roundhouse, he has a shitload of crossups, and New is probably better than Old because his super goes through fireballs easily like Rog's. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by Iceman on 01:01:2002 11:03 PM: Stick to new Bison. You aren't missing anything with old Bison. Best way I had it put to me is to treat Bison like a grappler. His throw range is tremendous and you can tick off of like everything. If you have the DC version, just set your practice dummy to guard all and play with it to see how many good tick set-ups you can find (you still can't throw when they are in guard stun so let that be your guide). Some of the crap I can think of offhand to tick with is: anything involving the short button, cross-up forward maybe?, jumping forward maybe?, a blocked roundhouse scissor kick that hits deep (any deep hitting blocked scissor kick works), his super (if blocked, throw!), and maybe jumping strong. Because of the great ticking, you can be more liberal with your roundhouse and forward scissor kicks. In CvS1/CvS2 I'd advise learning the ranges and trying to space them so they barely connect, blah blah blah. In ST it doesn't matter, let them hit deep and throw after them. Standing short is nice you can use it somewhat like A3 Rolento's jab pressure. S.short to c. forward links. His roundhouse kick is hella-fast for a heavy strength normal. Remember you can juggle with jumping strongs for up to 3 hits (1 hit, jump again then 2 hits, or 2 hits, jump again 1 hit, however), and can add the super on to juggle after those 3 hits. If all else fails, throw more Does anyone know a dizzy combo for Bison? Posted by Blood Iori on 01:01:2002 11:55 PM: cross-up, crouching short, standing short XX scissors kick OR psycho crusher. the scissors kick ending is a dizzy, not sure about psycho crusher ending Posted by anti-ryu on 01:02:2002 01:29 AM: does his s.fierce anti-air? Posted by Blood Iori on 01:02:2002 01:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by anti-ryu does his s.fierce anti-air? not really well, he has better Posted by anti-ryu on 01:02:2002 02:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Blood Iori not really well, he has better but his s.fierce is diffence from is more upward! Posted by Q8-Seth on 01:02:2002 08:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman Does anyone know a dizzy combo for Bison? Here are the TOD's (Touches of Death) : Jumping Roundhouse, c.forward, Psycho Crusher Jumping Roundhouse, S.Short, C.Forward, Scissor Kick Posted by SilverGear on 01:02:2002 05:38 PM: Ooooooh....Lots of Great stuff here. Thank you everyone I really appreciate this! Now if I can just apply this information to my ST game I should start seeing improvements. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:03:2002 02:11 AM: how to beat ryu with bison? All times are GMT. The time now is 11:58 PM. Show all 10 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.